Maximize your job search potential with the power of AI! As the buzz surrounding OpenAI's GPT-3 grows, I discovered its amazing potential for enhancing CVs. With the job market competitive, a standout resume is crucial for landing your next job. That's why I developed ResumerX, a tool leveraging OpenAI's API to elevate your CV and give you an edge in the interview process.
Warhol turns pattern libraries into test suites. It helps you to enforce a unified look and feel for your web project, no matter how large and complicated the project may be. Warhol learns from the examples in a pattern library and supports you in implementing a truly consistent user experience.
We tend to solve a lot of problems related to the front-end by delegating them to existing programs. We use libraries and tools which we don’t understand completely - our code base grows and grows. But lately this trend seems to change and we slowly re-consider what we can do best: develop front-end code. What can we expect from this new trend and how can we use them in out daily business today?
When writing JavaScript applications or websites a lot of developers write unit tests to ensure the code does what it is supposed to do. The hottest code uses ES6 and transpiles to ES5 with Babel. Mocha is pretty popular as a testing framework these days. Bringing these tools together can be cumbersome. Here is how you do it.
npm is a Node.js’ dependency management system. It provides a script object in a project’s package.json configuration which can hold several CLI scripts. It is possible to run those via your command line. This way it is possible to replace your current build system. This article covers more about how you replace different tasks of a typical front-end build workflow.